#143: Unbecoming: Aligning Your Identity
Oct 12, 2021
October 12, 2021 by Kelly
Who are you striving to be? Is it a copy of your role model or who God called you to be?
Most of us don't realize it, but we try to copy and do what our role models do to become better versions of ourselves. A lot of times, that's great because it's getting us to think another way or implement healthier habits in our lives, but if we aren't careful, we'll just turn into clones of our role models and that's not who God has called you to be.
Today's guest, Dr. Eboni Truss is here to lead you through your Un-Becoming. She is the founder of the Un-Becoming Movement where she equips business owners to live B.I.G. in the freedom of BEing the entrepreneur God says they BE. Described as “fiery,” “anointed,” “wise,” “hilarious,” and “accurate,” Dr. Eboni’s mentorship, speaking, and events empower entrepreneurs to unlock who God has called them to BE in the marketplace. She has also just released a book on this very concept called Unbecoming.
Called to the coaching and training industry in 2013, “Eboni L” as she is affectionately known, spent the next several years running her business based on the world’s system. After accepting God’s invitation to instead partner with Him in business, she embarked on her own Un-Becoming journey. Through a series of encounters with God, He began to show her that instead of trying to become like the experts and gurus of the world, His heart was for her to BE more of the business owner – and individual – He’d already created and loved unconditionally. Now, she lives B.I.G. (Believing It’s God) in her marketplace assignment and helps others to do the same.
This episode covers what unbecoming means and how we can get that revelation from God who we are meant to be, and how the Holy Spirit is our partner in all things, personal or professional.
This episode is jam-packed full of great ideas, so let's get to it!
Learn How to Unbecome You ...
- [04:08] Eboni's latest book - Unbecoming and what it's about
- [06:07] Her journey into entering the industry and becoming a business coach
- [10:24] What prompted her to write this book?
- [11:34] Why you are more than qualified to fulfill the calling God has for you
- [19:43] Definition of unbecoming and how that applies to your life and you
- [28:39] No one can tell you differently once you have had that revelation from God
- [33:44] Why we have to go through a hard place to figure out who we are meant to be
- [40:11] Listen to the Holy Spirit and His strategy - here's why!
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Links mentioned in this episode:
>> Eboni's Book
>> Position to Thrive Workshop
>> Free Power of One Framework Masterclass